CE Credits for tax & Accounting Professionals

Continuing Professional


The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Suspension Qualification:
A Deep Dive.

Course Description

As business owners and their advisors are increasingly solicited by ERC processors claiming to be able to find large credits for a variety of industries and situations, they should be armed with a good working knowledge of the precise ways employers can—and importantly cannot—qualify for the ERC under the suspension (non-gross receipts) test.

While qualifying for the ERC under the gross receipts test is relatively straightforward, this course is designed to provide a comprehensive treatment of qualification under the suspension test, which is a facts and circumstances determination that requires closely reasoned analysis and a solid grasp on what the IRS considers to be the ways of demonstrating the operational impact necessary for qualification.

Learning Objectives

Determine whether qualification under the suspension test is viableIdentify how to cut through the optimistic advertising to the nuts and bolts of this avenue for qualification

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Employee Retention Credit 3 Years Later: Opportunities, Updates, and Pitfalls

Course Description

From the passage of the CARES Act in March 2020 to today, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) has continued to provide small to mid-sized employers with much-needed infusions of cash flow. CPAs and tax practitioners have seen the development of guidance, filing pitfalls, and shameless promotions of ERC services by non-professional pop-up firms. This webinar is designed to provide an overview of where we stand now, with an eye to opportunities amid IRS enforcement.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate the evolving landscape of ERC best practices and guidance based on experience and IRS commentary

  • Outline the current IRS processing times based on observations

  • List the opportunities in underserved industries and client types

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